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Overseas Patients

  • 英語
  • 中国語
  • ロシア語

How to Access Heavy Ion Radiotherapy

Before Coming to Japan
  • All inquiries from overseas patients and medical institutions should be directed to our international coordination partner, Medical Coordinators*.
  • Each inquiry received by Medical Coordinators is relayed to Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center (GHMC) for reply. Based upon the information provided, GHMC will provide a preliminary opinion as to whether or not heavy ion radiotherapy might be appropriate to the patient’s condition. If heavy ion radiotherapy appears to be a viable option, then GHMC will also advise with regard to the tests and examinations that we will need to perform, possible scheduling of those tests and examinations, and estimated costs associated with testing and treatment, as well as answering any other specific patient questions or concerns.
  • Trip preparations are coordinated by Medical Coordinators through direct contact with the patient. This includes the gathering of patient medical records and information, visa arrangements (if necessary, Medical Coordinators will assist the patient in obtaining a Medical-Stay visa), and travel and accommodation arrangements.
  • GHMC confirms the dates and times of the patient’s initial appointments. The patient and any accompanying family members then travel to Japan accordingly.
*Medical Coordinators Connect with GHMC
Name of Guarantor Emergency Assistance Japan Co., Ltd. I-cell Networks Corp.
Telephone +81-3-3811-8600
(English, Japanese, Korean, Thai and others)
(Chinese / call to Japan)
(Chinese / call to Beijing, 010-8586-0748 call inside China)
+81-3-3811-8271 (Russian)
(Chinese, English, Korean, Mongolian)
FAX +81-3-3811-8650 +81-3-5220-3930
e-mail mj-info@emergency.co.jp imsc@i-cell.co.jp
Contact International Medical Coordination Department International Medical Support Group
Languages Chinese, English, Russian and others Chinese, English, Korean, Mongolian
  • Step2
  • お問い合わせ
After Arrival and During Treatment
  • Medical Coordinators work closely with GHMC and Gunma Congress Support, a local non-profit organization, to ensure that the patient arrives safely and that all of the patient’s needs are met during his stay. The patient is provided with a 24-hour help-line telephone number that is answered by Medical Coordinators in English, and he can also contact Medical Coordinators with any special requests, including transportation arrangements, mobile phone rentals, and medical interpretation.
  • GHMC conducts the analysis and medical examinations required in order to accurately assess the patient’s condition and to determine whether or not the administration of heavy ion radiotherapy is appropriate and of likely benefit. Once GHMC formally accepts the patient for heavy ion radiotherapy, the patient will be asked to sign an informed consent.
  • Assistance with daily needs other than medical care is provided to the patient and any accompanying family members during their stayin Maebashi (Gunma Prefecture) by Gunma Congress Support.
  • Upon completion of the treatment, the patient returns home.
The Cost of Heavy Ion Radiotherapy


  1. Heavy ion radiotherapy costs are fixed, regardless of the number of sessions.
  2. Travel and accommodation costs, as well as service of Medical Coordinators costs, are not included.
  3. Any consultation fees incurred are in addition to the above

Medical Coordinators will respond your requests within five days and will assist you with administrative details. We hope you will come to Gunma University Heavy-Ion Medical Center for your medical treatment.

  • お問い合わせ